
View answers to commonly asked questions about glucerna® products, nutrition, and more.

How are Glucerna products used?

Glucerna products were designed to meet the nutrition needs of adults with type 2 diabetes and can be used as a meal or partial meal replacement as part of a weight management plan.

Can Glucerna products be used by people without diabetes?

People without diabetes can safely consume Glucerna products. Glucerna shakes and bars are specifically designed for people with diabetes or people trying to manage their blood sugar. Glucerna products are intended to be used under medical supervision as part of a diabetes management plan.

Can Glucerna products be used by people with prediabetes?

Yes, all Glucerna products have been designed to help minimize blood sugar response of the Glucerna product. Glucerna products can also help manage weight when used as part of a diabetes management plan. Managing blood sugar response and weight are important for people with prediabetes. A health care professional has the primary responsibility to select the product most appropriate for a patient based on medical assessment.

Are Glucerna products good choices for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)?

For people with or without diabetes, Glucerna should not be used to treat hypoglycemia, insulin shock, or insulin reaction because the carbohydrates from Glucerna do not elicit a large blood glucose response and would not help restore blood sugar levels. Talk to a health care professional about appropriate treatment for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Are Glucerna products appropriate for me if I have type 1 diabetes?

Glucerna products are appropriate for people with type 1 diabetes. It is important to monitor blood glucose regularly to see how Glucerna products affect insulin needs. Glucerna products contain blends of carbohydrates that are low glycemic to help minimize peaks in blood sugar. We encourage patients to discuss any changes or specific weight loss goals with their health care professionals.

Can Glucerna products be used as part of a person’s current diabetes meal plan?

Glucerna products should be incorporated into a person’s diabetes meal plan and overall management plan. Studies support the use of Glucerna in conjunction with a diabetes management plan.

When is the best time to use Glucerna products?

Use Glucerna products any time to substitute meals or part of meals, or as snacks. Use Glucerna products as quick, on-the-go breakfasts or take them to work as convenient snacks or lunches. Glucerna products may also be used as evening snacks. Glucerna products may also be used as a protein source before or after exercising. Products should be used under medical supervision as part of a diabetes management plan.

What are low-glycemic carbohydrates?

The glycemic index measures how foods with carbohydrates raise blood glucose. Lowglycemic carbohydrates produce lower blood glucose responses than high-glycemic carbohydrates. Glucerna products are formulated to help minimize blood sugar spikes and contain unique blends of carbohydrates that include: modified maltodextrin(the body is not able to digest it), fructose (a low-glycemic carbohydrate), maltitol, soy fiber, and fructooligosaccharides (a prebiotic fiber). Ingredients will vary per product and flavor. Check individual product labeling for specific ingredient information.

When used to replace a meal, are Glucerna shakes effective?

In today’s hectic world, trying to eat well can be overwhelming, especially for people who need to manage their blood sugar levels and weight. Poor food choices and skipping meals can inhibit these efforts.

Meal replacements can be helpful options for many individuals. The use of meal replacements is suggested by the American Diabetes Association and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as a successful weight loss and weight management strategy.

Glucerna shakes can be used as meal or partial meal replacements, but the Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size shake was specifically designed to replace a meal. In addition to providing slow-release carbohydrates, the Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size shake contains 250 calories and 23g of protein to help manage hunger. Use under medical supervision as part of a diabetes management plan.

If patients are currently using Glucerna Shakes as meal replacements, should they switch to Glucerna Hunger Smart Shakes or Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size Shakes?

All Glucerna shakes can be used as meal or partial meal replacements. The Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size shake was designed specifically to replace a meal. In addition to providing slow-release carbohydrates, the Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size shake contains 250 calories and 23g of protein to help manage hunger. Use under medical supervision as part of a diabetes management plan.

Is Glucerna a medicine for blood sugar control?

Glucerna products are not medicine for blood sugar control. Glucerna products are diabetes-specific nutrition designed to help blunt postconsumption blood sugar response. Glucerna products are designed to meet the nutritional requirements of people with diabetes.

Will using Glucerna products increase blood sugar levels?

Glucerna products are scientifically designed to help minimize blood sugar spikes. All Glucerna products provide energy from fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, compared to fat and protein, have the biggest impact on blood glucose levels. The carbohydrates in Glucerna were chosen for the low-glycemic index, which helps minimize blood sugar spikes compared to high-glycemic carbohydrates.

How many dietary exchanges or carbohydrate choices are in a serving?

A Glucerna shake and a 10-fl-oz Glucerna Hunger Smart shake each provide 1 carb choice or, if using the exchange system, each shake provides 1 starch + 1 whole milk + 1 very lean meat. A 16-fl-oz Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size shake provides 1½ carb choices, or ½ starch + 1 whole milk + 2 very lean meats.

What is galactosemia?

Galactosemia is a rare inherited disorder in which galactose builds up in the blood. Normally when a person consumes lactose (the sugar found in milk and milk products), the body first breaks down the lactose into half glucose and half galactose. Next, to change galactose into glucose, which the body can then use, several enzymes are needed. However, people with galactosemia are missing one of the enzymes that converts galactose to glucose, causing a buildup of galactose. Galactose is found in other foods and some drugs, but milk and milk products are the major source.

Do Glucerna products contain gluten or lactose?

Glucerna shakes are gluten-free and suitable for lactose intolerance. Glucerna shakes are not for people with galactosemia.

Glucerna bars are not made with gluten-containing ingredients but may be made on the same manufacturing lines as bars that have gluten-containing ingredients.

Glucerna bars do contain milk ingredients, which contribute a small amount of lactose. Please refer to the product label for specific dairy ingredients in each bar flavor.

Do Glucerna shakes contain artificial sweeteners?

Yes, Glucerna shakes contain artificial sweeteners. See label for specific product information.

Are there sugar alcohols in Glucerna shakes? If so, which ones and how much?

Glycerin, a sugar alcohol, is an ingredient in Glucerna shakes. Glycerin is a lowglycemic carbohydrate. Like maltitol, glycerin is classified as a sugar alcohol. Unlike maltitol, which is only partially metabolized and provides 2 calories per gram, glycerin is completely metabolized and provides 4 calories per gram. The difference in metabolism is key to reducing the risk of gastrointestinal side effects.

Do you recommend Glucerna products for patients with both diabetes and chronic kidney disease?

The decision to use Glucerna products for anyone with a chronic kidney disease (CKD) ultimately rests with the nephrologist/health care professional who will assess the patient’s needs on an individual basis. Abbott offers other options for people with CKD, such as Nepro® and Suplena®, to integrate into their management plans.

Are adjustments to insulin or oral agents necessary when starting Glucerna products?

Glucerna products are designed to minimize postconsumption peaks in blood sugar of the Glucerna product. When starting Glucerna products, the dose or timing of insulin may need to be adjusted, and this adjustment must be individualized under the supervision of a health care professional. People with diabetes should carefully monitor their blood glucose before and 2 hours after consuming Glucerna products to determine how their blood glucose is affected. Once they determine this effect, the dose and timing of injections can be adjusted as necessary. Consult a health care professional for guidance. Products should be used under medical supervision as part of a diabetes management plan.

Can Glucerna products be used during pregnancy for women with gestational diabetes?

Yes, studies have been completed with Glucerna products in a population of pregnant women with diabetes or with gestational diabetes. Nursing and pregnant women with diabetes should be aware of the vitamin and mineral content listed on the labels and discuss Glucerna usage with a health care professional when combined with other supplements (maternal vitamins and minerals) and daily food intake.

Can a child with diabetes use Glucerna products?

Glucerna products are designed for adult nutrition needs and have not been evaluated for use in children. Consult with a health care professional to determine a nutrition plan that is appropriate based on the child’s nutrition needs.

Is Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size (16 fl oz) a different formulation than Glucerna Hunger Smart (10 fl oz)?

The Glucerna Hunger Smart Meal Size shake is a different formulation than the 10-fl-oz Glucerna Hunger Smart shake. When compared on a per-ounce basis, the Meal Size shake contains fewer overall calories and carbohydrates than the 10-fl-oz shake, while maintaining protein levels.

How are Glucerna Snack Bars and Mini Treats used?

Glucerna Snack Bars and Mini Treats can be used to replace 1-2 snacks per day, depending on individual dietary goals.

Will Glucerna Hunger Smart shakes be available for institutional customers to purchase?

Glucerna Hunger Smart shakes are intended to be retail products only and will not have special institutional pricing available.

Glucerna is the #1 brand recommended by doctors for people with diabetes.

Use Glucerna under medical supervision as part of your diabetes management plan.