Rewards can be great motivators

Properly managing your diabetes should be reward enough, right? Easier said than done; it’s hard work. Rewarding yourself for reaching milestones or goals can be a great way to stay motivated. Did you follow your exercise plan for a week, a month, or more? Have you made good food choices? Have you tracked your blood sugar numbers consistently? Congratulations! You deserve a reward.

Tips for rewarding yourself:

  • Purchase that workout outfit, new athletic shoes, a new water bottle, or exercise equipment you’ve been wanting
  • Pamper yourself. For example: schedule a massage, manicure, pedicure, or simply some “me” time
  • Start a rewards savings account. Add to it every time you reach a goal
  • Spend time on a hobby such as woodworking, photography, reading, or knitting. Or take up a new hobby
  • Take a class, learn a new skill
  • Start or add to a collection every time you reach a milestone

And, how not to:

  • Don’t use food as a reward. Chances are you’ll feel guilty afterward
  • To help you reach goals and reward yourself, download this chart: Reaching Goals is so Rewarding